Various Clubs
Various Clubs
The school Jaguars have sports teams including:
- Football (Boys Senior and Boys Junior)
- Basketball (Senior and Junior)
- Volleyball (Senior, Junior and Boys )
- Cricket (Varsity)
- Track and Field (Senior ,Junior,subjunior and kiddies)
- Skating
- Badminton (Senior and Junior).
- Chess (Senior ,Junior, Subjunior and kiddies)
Classical Dance,Classical Music,Instrumental Music,Panchavadyam,Band set, other various dance forms like Acrobatic dance forms and contemporary Dance forms

National Cadet Corps is a tri-services organisation comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force, engaged in grooming the youth - `The Leaders of Tomorrow` - into disciplined and patriotic citizens. The genesis of the NCC can be traced back to the First World War when the Britishers created the University Corps as the second line of defense and to have a large pool of trained youth available for employment into the Armed Forces.
After independence the present day NCC under the Ministry of Defence came into existence on 16 Apr 1948 through NCC act XXXI, 1948. NCC was formally inaugurated on 15 Jul 1948.
In 1973 NCC is started functioning in the school under 18(k)bn battalion. Parade training is done twice in a week. The NCC cadets attend one 10-day camp, and a trekking camp and planting trees to teach them to protect nature. More than 100 students are eligible to get "C" certificates each year.

The mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.
In our school Bharath Scouts and Guides started in the year 1989 for the complete development of students
Roller skating is the traveling on surfaces with roller skates. It is a form of recreational activity as well as a sport, and can also be a form of transportation
To develop a general interest in science .To inculcate scientific attitude and provide opportunities for training in scientific method . To develop interest in scientific hobbies .To develop habits of exploration and creative faculties. To encourage individual and group activities .To develop in children a sense of healthy competition .To make the students and public science minded. To stimulate active participation and initiative among students in learning process. To keep the students in touch with the recent advances in science
It will create interest and make the students active in the subject, It will encourage intellectual curiosity among the students, It will provide practical knowledge of the subject, It creates power for thinking and fosters imagination and creativity among the students, Club activities inculcate various democratic values and qualities like tolerance, equality, freedom and leadership etc among the children.
The aims of teaching and learning mathematics is to encourage and enable students to:
- recognize that mathematics permeates the world around us
- appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics
- enjoy mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving problems
- understand and be able to use the language, symbols and notation of mathematics
- develop mathematical curiosity and use inductive and deductive reasoning when solving problems
- To encourage the natural interest of students in ICT field and to create a culture for appropriate usage of technology and software.
- To provide an opportunity for students to learn the different perspectives of ICT tools, so as to make use of them for their learning activities.
- To ensure participation of students in the usage and upkeeping of ICT equipments at schools, thereby increasing the productivity of the school in ICT enabled learning.
- To empower students to undertake minor technical issues of ICT equipments.
- To enrich students on proper and safe internet usage and cyber security, and also to inculcate the importance of language computing.
- develop employability skills
- explore possible career options
- understand employer expectations
- increase their self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence.
- Students gain important life skills as they learn the value of critical feedback, both positive and constructive.
- Children have the opportunity to celebrate the richness and depth of human expression in all of its forms. Through creative expression students learn to comprehend our world better and are therefore better equipped to navigate the challenges they might be faced with upon graduating from secondary schooling.
- Drama and the performing arts allow an avenue to develop cognitive abilities that complement study in other disciplines. For example, drama students learn to approach situations in an array of different manners which can help to develop creative thinking and new study techniques. Further, it builds confidence which benefits public speaking opportunities. The talent that students discover through the Arts can form habits which transcend all areas of study.
- Communication between peers is accelerated as students are exposed to group activities. This experience also provides opportunity for students to display cultural leadership qualities.
- Some students find their 'voice' while studying the Arts. They may discover they are natural problem solvers or leaders. Creative expression is a great way to build self-confidence and can be particularly beneficial for introverted and reserved children.
- The Arts can also be a source of solitude - a place where a child is able to shut out their surrounds and immerse themselves in a creative environment. This process allows the imagination to thrive, aiding internal exploration. It's a natural precursor to a well-developed sense of self.
- The Arts can act as an agent through which a variety of emotions can be learned, rehearsed and practiced. Adolescents can find it difficult to express their emotions and so the Arts provides a great outlet for children to explore a wide range of feelings including delight, anger and unhappiness. This experience can define a child's growing sense of independence and interdependence.
The main objective of the programme is to identify incipient diseases, disorders and disability by adequate and timely action and to become the anchor of promotive and preventive health.
Under the jurisdiction of Regional Transport Offices and Joint Regional Transport Offices, Road Safety Club in colleges and schools were constituted for involving the student community in road safety activities and to create awareness on Road Use.
OBJECTIVES: To educate road users about traffic rules, traffic regulations and related matters
Nature Club and Harithasena function effectively with a view to make the pupils learn the significance of protection of environment and develop interest towards farming.
The main objective is to create a recreational and consolidating opportunity for students to learn and practice English. Thus, it tries to ` Give vent to students' creative talents. Provide encouraging atmosphere for Students to express personal views about whatever they choose. `Enhance students' learning opportunities. Set new horizons for Students learning English through the media they use daily. Engage them in cooperative tasks. Develope their awareness of themselves as individuals with special yet different talents and capacities.` Maximize students' exposure to authentic English through media, books... Trigger their active involvement in learning and school life.
The purpose of Hindi club is to enhance the creativity of our students.The club allows students to create their own Speeches, Drama and Plays, compose poetry and also write essays to express their thoughts and feelings. Drama is also and integral part of the Hindi club where students are not only being made a awase of important social issues but they are encouraged to take on the responsibility of spreading its awareness .the club will also conduct activities like debates and extempore to develop thinking and analysing skills in our school students.
This club mainly inspire students to go depper level in reading and knowledge in the subject Malayalam . Students themselves formed a library .In order to give special emphasis on various days competitions are held.Reading and Writing competitions ,Speech Competitions vidyarangam kalasahitya vedi etc enables the students to develop a creative progress in Malayalam.
Echo Club functions together with nature club. It promotes to the cleanliness of the surroundings and encourage the students to promote eco-friendly culture.
The importance of drama performing in education is significant.
Whether children have the opportunity to perform in theatre productions or help out behind the scenes, studying Drama and Performing Arts not only engages with the creative side of the brain, it also provides an ideal balance in students patterns of study.
The aim of the club is to find out the talents of children in literature and arts and train them with workshops, screen play writing, film production, story writing, drawing etc.
"gives pupils and teachers the chance to explore the world of film through school film clubs. With free weekly screenings, online reviewing, industry events and hands on support, FILMCLUB inspires, excites and opens up new avenues for learning."
Smart energy programme provides opportunity to students to make electrical items like LED bulbs and to teach Students to re-use electronic equipment's.
Gandhi Darshan Club functions to make the students associate themselves which Gandhian principles and ideals.
Kerala Catholic Student's League, the first and oldest association of Catholic Students, has been functioning actively at St. Joseph's for deepening faith and helping Catholic Students to grow in Jesus with the motto of faith and service.
Deepika Childrens League is a registered organisation for school children aiming at their integral growth in social ,cultural and religious fields.It is an association to make the children better equipped citizens of our country and the well formed leaders of our nation in the pursuit of excellence and integral growth.Slogan of DCL is "We belong to one family".
25.Oratory & Debating Club
The Oratory & Debating Club that helps members to improve their communication, public speaking and leadership skills.
26.Tourism Club
This club gives students opportunities to have excursions and field trips in our country.
27. Career Guidance & Counselling
The club is designed to help students understand the link between their current academic studies and their future career choices.
Counselling is a integral part of a student's life .There are lot of problem facing the students from home and society. So every Thursday the management arranged a full time counsellor for the students in order to face the problems in their life.